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Hi, My name is Santy.
I am the principal of Trimulia Kindergarten.
It's an honor for me to work with this school.
Trimulia Kindergarten was established in July 2004.

It has been our desire to start a school which provides a holistic, integrative and transformative Christian education.
At Trimulia Kindergarten,we provide various activities to nurture children's development.
Our priorities are to develop their spiritual growth and to build their character.

We encourage the children to pray,to give thanks to Jesus for all His blessings and guidance. We encourage them to pray for others too.To build their strong characters,children are motivated to care for each other,to be independent, responsible and to respect each other as well.
Some basic manners such as queuing up
,taking turn,sharing and saying the magic words:sorry, please and thank you, are being practised everyday.

By consistantly doing these,we believe that our children will remember and carry
these values throughout their lives.
There are various activities designed to foster our  children's development. However,play is considered our school's main menu.

Through play, children become physically stronger.
Their gross and fine motors will be well developed.

We believe,play also stimulates children's intellectual growth,  influences the development of language,problem solving skill ,learning ability and most importantly,it helps children make choices and practice actions.

To develop children's talent and potentials, we have been working hand in hand with some reliable partners through after school activities.Swimming and tennis enhance children's physical fitness while scouting activities provided by Woodcamp enhance their physical and social development.

To nurture children's creativity and sense of art,we work together with Rumah Kuning. Ballet class nurtures children's early love for arts,music and body control.
Children also learn sequence, orderliness and experience many kinds of food through Cooking.
Robotic, hama.and lasy develop concentration,coordination and creativity. 
Last but not the least,we work with Musicland to foster the children's musicality through piano lessons.
These young children are precious in God's eyes.

They deserve to live a joyful and meaningful childhood,where they learn about themselves,about people and the world around them and most importantly about God who has created them.

It is a privilege to lead this school and work with wonderful parents and children.
I pray that our children will grow into  resilient beings, ready to face the future's challenges.
I pray that they will be the next generation of hope for Indonesia, a generation who fears of God.
Thank you and God bless you!




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