Kepala Sekolah SMPK
Ferven, S.S.
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A blessed day...Hello my name is Ferven and i am the principal of Trimulia Junior high school. We uphold our mission of faith, integrity and knowledge.Trimulia junior high school has changed through the years. Our path in changing for the better, started in 2012 when the 7th grade students started to have our HITS program.
HITS is an acronym for Holistic, Integrative, Transformative School. Our journey has led for us to continuously improve the education environment for our students.
We have embraced technology by providing each student his or her own tablet. We believe that we now live in a global village and technology is an integrative part of learning to prepare and equip our students with the skills needed for the future.And because of this, we have e-learning, e-library, TMTUBE, and other learning activities that involve technology.We believe that the process is more important than the result.
We are glad to share that extracurricular and intracurricular activities are the process wherein the students strengthen their skills and the result is that they won so many contests such as basketball competition, table tennis competition, film making contest, science competition and others.
And we have done wonderful activities like Trimulia Sports Festival, Welcome Party for the house members and celebration for Independence Day.  

We have the mission to transform the students for the better and the "Houses of Trimulia" came about. We divided the students into "houses" so the mentors will get to know them better.
The word HOUSE is also an acrostic for Honoring God and honoring people, Obedience to the truth, Unity in diversity, Spirit of Excellence, Empowering each other.Each house, with its mentor, aims to strengthen the bonds of camaraderie and unity. This is a strong foundation for leadership and good character.At the core of our mission is for our students to know God better and to feel His presence in their lives. We have shepherding wherein the students are grouped in small numbers so that each mentor can really share the word of God in a personal way.
We also have devotion wherein the students praise, worship, read the Bible and listen to inspiring and motivating messages.
The English program on the other hand is being developed. We believe that English is a tool to communicate internationally and it is our mission to provide the skills necessary for the students to communicate in the global scale.

Self reading, self writing, English speaking area and the plan for students to have an international test are some of the ways wherein we try to make the English program better
Trimulia Junior High School has grown through the years. Yet, our journey is far from over. We will do our best to keep on improving so that we can provide the best education for your loved ones.
Hand in hand, we can take the journey together in providing a Holistic, Integrative, Transformative and Sound education for our loved ones. We give our heartfelt thanks for trusting us. God bless us all




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